Duelist of the roses leader abilities
Duelist of the roses leader abilities

duelist of the roses leader abilities

It gains a large number of skill points that it can spend as it wishes in studies that would typically be out of reach for ordinary men-at-arms, having the points to spend on a few cross class skills of its choosing. Role: The duelist is at home within packed theathe rooms, crowded plazas and the balconies of beauties. Then again, the same could be said of many spell slingers, tossing fireballs around (or mental brutes, as they call them). Other Classes: The average Duelist considers the average figther as a studious of a single art, and the average barbarian as a mindless brute, good for charging ahead and softening up big sluggish targets.

duelist of the roses leader abilities

Races: Most common is Drow but any works. The average duelist is a man or woman that disdains the heavier weapons and armours of the more brutish peoples, focusing its studies in a figthing style that rewards the cunning over the strong, and with wide interests on fields beyond the martial. This has caused a peculiar figthing style to develop within the city, focusing upon an idealizated, romantic hero swordsman, versed in matters both martial and intellectuals, wearing light armors or merely his finest clothes, and figthing with panache betwen the roses of the many public squares. Travelling adventurers and mercenaries often raise trouble within the city of winds, and for decades now, it has been forbidden to wear the heavy and cumbersome weapons and armours that the Eopolitans have come to consider as the symbol of an outsider. It is no surprise, then, that outsiders are seen with mistrust at best and plain hostility at worst.

duelist of the roses leader abilities duelist of the roses leader abilities

Within its eleven white walls, the lowliest citizen lives a far better existence than the “kings” of many tribes, with glasses in the windows, lights on the streets at night, schooling for its children and a nobility that competes for position through theathres and bardic colleges. Luckily for these lesser states, then, is the fact that the average Eopolitan feels it has as much to win from invading its neighbor as it would have from crawling into a nest of rats. This naturally advantageous location has made the city into a unrivaled metropolis with anough monetary and military power to buy, sell or conquer any of the minor nations in the continent. anonymous eopolitan duelist(Gurney Halleck)īackground: On the northern cliffs by the Green Sea, the City-state of Eopolis stands as a beacon for scholars and adventurers, placed purposedfully by the end of the single navigable river of the entire north, its sides dotted with every empire in the region. The use of the edge of the blade, however, is more artistic. Anyone can kill with the tip of the sword: there’s no art to it.

Duelist of the roses leader abilities