The next day, Naran brings in a chest containing some expensive necklace and clothes for Naala. Suren gets up and cleaves the cat in half before he goes over to Naala, bumps fists with her or sth and looks at their “first creation as man and wife” rofl He almost gets killed protecting a Rusu woman but bamf Naala takes up a bow and shoots the stupid moggie. Suddenly, a bigass sabretooth tiger or some shit appears and attacks Suren outside the court. Naran takes Naala back to the palace to see her hoes where the girls know what’s been going on with Naala cuz Suren ordered Naran to go talk to the girls everyday. Here, she realises that she just saw him off like a loving wife and fumes inside cuz the asshole planned it all lolol. Naala realises he left his sword at home an forces herself to go out there and give it to him, where he thanks her, gives her a quick peck and tells her that she’s allowed outside with Naran. He tells her he’ll think abt it if she sees him off like a wife would but of her own will and he leaves. Naala asks if she can go outside but he tells her to stay put cuz there are rapists out there. Naala wakes up in Suren’s arms and kicks the stupid fuck awake. This time, Naala cums too lol so Suren’s happy dear god these two He drinks some of Naran’s special drink and force feeds Naala, worried that she’s gna starve and in the end, ends up banging her again that night. I’m so thoughtful I know ) They have dinner again in her room where Naala still refuses to eat and Suren’s irate again that she’s so relaxed around Naran but not him. THIS IS ANOTHER PORN GAME CUZ I KNOW HOW MUCH MY READERS LIKE RAEP AND 28 INCH DONGS Plot Summary: OMG DID SOMEONE SAY MORE PRON? YES.

Genre: PORN, hot fucking brill heroine, Arabian shit, kidnapping, sexy guys, didimentionPORN