The new versions of macOS, Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey have helped to expose flaws in uTorrent’s functionality and, luckily for all Mac users, there were other software providers ready to step in and provide even better services. Hoping that the information on uTorrent Catalina, uTorrent Monterey and uTorrent Big Sur alternatives was enough for you to find the perfect tool for your torrenting needs.

Glance back at top uTorrent alternatives compatible with Monterey Luckily for you, there are plenty of alternatives out there and you can get even more for your torrenting needs. uTorrent Big Sur and uTorrent Monterey, just like it was the case with Catalina, won’t be getting a standalone app version. Unfortunately, for uTorrent fans, this will be the only way they will be able to enjoy their favorite app. Of course, we couldn’t end the list on the improvements brought by the macOS Big Sur without mentioning the new Safari browser. From turning Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / AirDrop on and off, place the Mac in Do not Disturb, or adjusting the sound and brightness, everything can be tweaked the way you like it. Other features that Big Sur brings to the table is the Control Center that easily allows you to make settings on your Mac. All icons placed here get a uniform shape while accessing them remains just as easy and straightforward. The dock that makes your work and life easier gets an update as well in Big Sur. In Big Sur you will be able to enjoy more streamlined apps, no matter if we’re talking about full-height sidebars, or freshly-looking toolbars, you will be able to enjoy your favorite apps to the full. Big Sur takes macOS to the next step with a wide collection of functions and a new design. With the introduction of the macOS, things are going to get a lot better for users. Big Sur brings more reasons to find uTorrent alternative